Sunday, January 24, 2016

3DF- Pilers Model

My favorite model I built this week were a pair of pliers. I used the mirror tool with this model qutie a lot. I built one side, mirrored it, separated the pieces because they were attached after I mirrored them, and then moved the mirrored piece into place.

When building the pieces, I started at the bottom of the handle and worked my way up using the extrude tool. With the bottom area of the metal part, I combined a rectangular prism and pipe using the boolean union tool. That part was a bit challenging and tedious having to cleanup the distorted geometry and problematic areas of edges and vertices.

The model was 5 pieces in total.

3DF- Spinarak Blockout

My finished blockout of Spinarak. 

         I think the legs are going to be the hardest parts to model for this piece. They are in weird angles that look different from the side and top angles. The best way to go about modeling them would probably be to use the booleans union tool, building a leg in pieces and combining the geometry to make it a single piece.